Masonic Bikers Association®
Since 1998


Masonic Bikers Association®
Since 1998

Yes, we are masons!

“We are part of that mythical past…
From a visionary future.
A legendary brotherhood!”

You only continue if you want…!


WSMBA® – ‘Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association’,
There are five letters/words corresponding to the five points of union that we, as masons and motorcyclists, take very seriously!

Committed to proudly demonstrating to society that we are free men and of good morals, we seek to contribute to a better future and sensitize humanity, with our example and actions, to help others across the board. The universe of the two wheels is also a fraternity, where the signs are constant (from greetings to thanks), cordiality and sincere communion, always available to support humanitarian causes, in happiness and passion for the two wheels, enjoying the moment in each curve, wherever the road takes us.

Em liberdade, igualdade, honra, fraternidade e respeito wsmba

With freedom, equality, honor, fraternity and respect!

This is the motorcyclist universe and we are present in Foot and Order across the globe!

We are brothers of all motorcyclists who need help and hospitality, as well as bearers of good to society!

Widows Sons Masonic Bikers is an International Association, inclusive of all masons who enjoy motorcycling and have the same desire to ride a motorcycle, in frank fraternity. The Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association, (WSMBA), is recognized for the world’s leading Masonic obedience – United Grand Lodge of England, which is at the same time the oldest active power. (UGLE).

All WSMBA Chapters are founded in accordance with Masonic protocol, by a Most Respectable Grand Master (National, Provincial or District) as well as the Grand Inspectors. While using the identification patch, the Widows Sons are not just a group of friends who get together to ride a motorcycle, but responsible representatives of the fraternity in a positive way at all times and actions resulting from our example.

None of our members are required to wear patches or any other type of identification, just raise funds for social causes and raise Masonic awareness in society, as well as support the Regular RL and participate in solidarity events and fraternal gatherings.

There are several current and former Grandmasters who are active members of the WSMBA, which makes us proud.


If you have a strong sense of mission, honor, dignity and pride in your actions and,

if you would like to be part of the pillars of this global organization, then this is the
Chapter for you, register now as a FOUNDER member, if you meet
the following conditions:

You're welcome!

We will obviously have our own “Corners”, for other II∴
and relationship bridges with family and friends.

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